
It’s definitely a challenge to be an active runner and a full time mom. Between the hubby working all day and having to be with the kids, being their Uber driver and daily planner I found myself struggling to find time to get out and hit the pavement, so the treadmill is my best option to keep up my active running. It’s definitely been amazing being able to get in my daily runs, however I still have the overlap between momlife and runner.

This mornings run was a struggle. I planned to run 5 miles since I am running Hot Chocolate in San Francisco this weekend. As we all know things don’t always work out the way we plan. First I got my day started late, I like to try to get my runs on the treadmill in either before the kids wake up or during their naps (less distractions).

So I started this morning running, my legs were feeling heavy so I knew it was going to be a battle to get all my planned miles in. I get to about 1.5 miles and this is my view

Kids are up!!! I’m not real good about doing half a run in the morning and then finishing in the afternoon so I figured I would quickly feed them, get them dressed and put on a movie so I could finish my last 4 miles.

So I didn’t get in my full 5 miles as momlife took over, but 4.5 is better than nothing 😜

Author: Running with Kids

I am a LEO wife, mother, daughter, sister and runner. I have 3 adult children, 5 adopted children. Life is always busy, a bit chaotic, yet full of fun.

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